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🔐  Give access to your scenarios

Use different ways to provide access to scenarios. 😎

You can give access to your scenarios via:

  • The User Management System in Warp Studio
  • LMS & LXP integration through SCORM, LTI or xAPI
  • Advanced LMS integration

Before we go into detail, let’s shortly cover some basics.

What is a trainee? 🤷🏻‍♂️

A trainee is a person you can invite to only log in to the Warp VR app and play scenarios assigned by you, but can’t access the Warp Studio. To be able to log in the Warp VR app, you need to add them as a member in Warp Studio first.

What is a group? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️

A team of trainees grouped according to their level or job title in your organization, or according to your usual training groups.

✨ User Management System in Warp Studio

With the User Management System in Warp Studio, you can invite and manage your trainees from one place!

➡️ Provide access

You can invite your trainees to Warp Studio, either one by one or multiple at once.

⚠️  To have access to a scenario, a trainee needs to be added to a group which is assigned to the specific scenario(s) and/or courses. Therefore, make sure to create the groups first to be able to give your trainees scenario access. You can also create a course of multiple scenarios, registration links and shared devices to provide them access.

➡️ Trainee journey

Trainees get an email from Warp Studio every time they are given access to a new and published scenario. They can view only scenarios/courses they are given access to. ✅

➡️ Analytics

All the training analytics are sent to Warp Studio, according to the choices your trainees made.

💥 LMS integration through SCORM, LTI and xAPI

You can use your own LMS (Learning Management System) to manage access to scenarios, by integrating either through SCORM, LTI and xAPI.


Just download a SCORM package for every published scenario and upload it to your LMS. Trainees will be able to select a VR scenario in their LMS account and can replay it as often as they like.

Every time they are done with the scenario, they need to go back to where they initially played the scenario (the launcher) and their scores will be sent to the LMS, as well as analyzed in detail in Warp Studio itself. Piece of cake! 🍰

➡️ LTI

Configure an LTI integration in Warp Studio, then get LTI credentials and a URL for every published scenario which can be used in your LMS.

The only difference with SCORM is that trainees don’t have to go back to the launcher to make sure their scores are sent to the LMS. Another piece of cake! 🍰

➡️ xAPI

A new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the learning experiences, in a consistent format. 🤓

Where SCORM or LTI can only deal with a final score, xAPI can also transfer all kinds of other data points, such as:

  • Decisions made in VR scenarios.
  • Whether these decisions have been the right ones.
  • The time it took to take these decisions.

⚡️ Advanced LMS integration

When LMS integrations with SCORM or LTI are not an option, you can also use the Warp API to build automations that talk directly to Warp Studio using a programming language of your choice.

In your LMS, you can view which scenarios are published and which courses are available, as well as manage trainees and their access. They can play any scenario they are invited to, as many times as they wish. Also, all training analytics are sent to your LMS.

Here’s a comparison between all available integrations:

Notion image
Notion image

Interested in more?

➡️  Learn about groups, courses and public registration link. ➡️  Learn how Warp Studio users can improve sign in security by single sign-on method. ➡️  Learn what shared devices are and how they can help your team.

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