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📊  Training analytics

Track how specific or groups of trainees performed in scenarios and help them improve if needed. 🆘

🔔 View training attempts

Click on the three dots next to a trainee on the Trainees page, and select View attempts to see all training attempts from every played scenario. You can filter out certain scenarios as well.

Click on an attempt to see the choices the trainee made, how long this person viewed a certain scene and more. A trainee's attempt with the highest achieved score will be displayed as their high score. 🏅

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📮 Export trainee analytics

With a lot of trainees, it’s much easier to track results by downloading a CSV file with an overview of all the trainees' analytics and all scenarios they played. 📁

Download this file by selecting all trainees. Then, click the three dots on the bottom to open the dropdown menu and select Export trainee data. In the pop-up menu, you can select the data you like to export.

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The export will be sent to you by email. Depending on the number of trainees and attempts in your organization, this can take a couple of minutes. ⏰

The first row in the file contains column names, which are described below. Each subsequent row represents a choice in an attempt made by a trainee.

  • trainee_name: full name of the trainee
  • trainee_employee_nr: employee number of the trainee
  • trainee_email: email address of the trainee
  • scenario_name: name of the scenario played in the training attempt
  • scenario_version: version of the scenario played in the attempt (each time a scenario is published, the version is incremented)
  • scenario_scoring_system: scoring system of the scenario played in the attempt (either add, subtract or disabled)
  • attempt_start_time: start time of the training attempt
  • attempt_end_time: end time of the training attempt
  • attempt_sequence: sequence number of the training attempt (each time the trainee plays the same scenario, the sequence number increases)
  • attempt_scenes: number of scenes that were reached in the training attempt
  • attempt_duration: duration of the training attempt in seconds
  • attempt_finished: iundicates whether the ending of the scenario was reached in this attempt (either true or false)
  • attempt_stars: number of stars awarded for this training attempt
  • attempt_device_id: unique identifier for the device on which the scenario was played
  • attempt_device_model: name of the device model as indicated by the manufacturer
  • attempt_device_app_version: bersion of the application in which the scenario was played
  • attempt_choice_scene_number: scene number of the choice in the training attempt
  • attempt_choice_scene_name: name of the scene of the choice in the training attempt
  • attempt_choice_answer: chosen answer in the scene (either the label of the answer or start, ending or transition)
  • attempt_choice_points: points awarded for choices made
  • attempt_choice_time: time in seconds in which the choice was made

🤔 Why are analytics important

These analytics can be useful to understand:

  • Whether your scenario was successful.
  • Whether you might need to change certain parts of it.
  • Where do your trainees get stuck and why.
  • What can you help them improve in. 💪

Interested in more?

➡️  Tracking trainee analytics is possible via LMS integration as well. ➡️  Learn how you can set up a scoring system within your scenario.

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