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🧰  Branding settings

Edit the branding settings of your company, visible in the Warp VR app to all trainees. 🎨

In your workspace settings, you can easily edit the branding settings of your company, such as: company name and description, logo, as well as brand colours.

⚠️ Branding is visible to all invited trainees while playing scenarios on any device.

To access the branding settings:

  • Log in Warp Studio and click on your icon in the top right corner.
  • Select Workspace settings from the dropdown.
  • The General settings tab will be opened, containing the Branding settings.
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ℹ️  Branding details

Add the following info:

  • Company name that will be shown in the mobile app and all other communication (not to be confused with an account name).
  • Company description of your account's training center, shown in the settings of the mobile app.
    • Notion image

💠  Branding logos

You can upload 2 types of logos:

  • A logo used in the Android/iOS mobile app 📱, shown on top of scenarios within the scenario overview page.
  • A logo used in VR headset, visible as a circle beneath the standing point 👣 in a VR scenario.

Scroll down from the general branding details, to edit your branding logos:

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Once updated, this is how your logo would look like in the Warp VR app scenarios:

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🎨  Branding colors

Beneath the branding logos, you can also customize two types of colors to fit your company's branding guidelines:

  • Primary color: applied to certain buttons in your training center menu, as well as the buttons in VR scenarios.
  • Secondary color: applied to certain warning messages and the results stars at the end of a scenario.
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Here are some examples of how a primary and secondary colour would be used and look like:

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Interested in more?

➡️  Learn how you can set up the email settings. ➡️  Learn what different users can do in Warp Studio.

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