📺 What is a scenario?
A scenario is a collection of interconnected scenes (situations), that together form a VR training. Scenarios are created in Warp Studio and can be shared with others to be played on a VR headset, smartphone, tablet or directly in the browser on a desktop or laptop.

Regardless if in: manufacturing, retail, transportation, education, health or any other industry, VR scenarios can be created for a variety of use cases, such as:
Health & safety
Depending on your training needs, there are 3 types of scenarios:
Guided tour
Information based
When developing your scenario, it is important to know how to make it engaging, as well as educational. Find out more about scenario writing in our Knowledge Hub - Getting started section. 👈
Interested in more?
➡️ Check how to create a scenario.
➡️ Learn about the basic elements of a scenario - scenes and elements.

Regardless if in: manufacturing, retail, transportation, education, health or any other industry, VR scenarios can be created for a variety of use cases, such as:
Health & safety
Depending on your training needs, there are 3 types of scenarios:
Guided tour
Information based
When developing your scenario, it is important to know how to make it engaging, as well as educational. Find out more about scenario writing in our Knowledge Hub - Getting started section. 👈
Interested in more?
➡️ Check how to create a scenario.
➡️ Learn about the basic elements of a scenario - scenes and elements.
Updated on: 25/09/2024
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