Articles on: 📀 Scenes and elements

🖼 What are scenes and elements?

🎨 Scenes

A scene is a video (situation) where something specific happens and the trainee has to make a decision to proceed to the next scene. 🤓 Every scene has a title, description and contains an immersive video. Additionally, every scene can contain one or multiple elements.

🖌️ Elements

Elements make scenarios engaging and educational for trainees. There are 2 types of elements:

Interactive elements can be linked to other scenes. This means that once the trainee clicks on this element, it will take them to the next scene. Interactive elements you can choose from:
Multiple choice - a combination of a tooltip with one or more buttons positioned next to the tooltip.
Information - a combination of a tooltip with one button positioned below the tooltip.
Direction - an arrow to guide trainees to a different environment.
Hotspot - comes in different sizes and can be used to get to know objects or areas in a 360 video.
Button - a simple button to be used in any way.
Timer - can be used to force trainees to make an answer within a certain amount of time.
Auto-transition - not a visible element, but will automatically transfer to another scene once the video ends, without the trainee clicking anything.

Static elements cannot be linked to other scenes. This means that this element can be part of a scene to educate the trainee on that certain situation, but cannot be clicked and won't lead to the next scene. Static elements you can choose from:
Tooltip - Simple element with small text.
Media panel - pop-up slides that can include a flat (2D) video, image or text, within the 360 environment. More info here

Interested in more?
➡️  Learn about the canvas where you build a scenario - the flow editor.
➡️  Learn how to add and edit scenes.

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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