🔮 Video editor
The video editor is the place to position all elements in the video and edit several other settings. To open the video editor, open the scenario, select a scene and click the Camera icon in the top-right corner. To close the video editor and go back to the flow, click again on this button, now switched to a Flow icon.
The video editor has the following sections:
Video area

The video area has the following options:
To rotate the video and be able to see it fully, click anywhere on the video itself and drag in any direction to look around.
Click on any element in the video to select that element and drag it to the right position.
On top of the video area you can find the following controls:
- Zoom in and out to be able to better position the elements.
- Home to quickly go to the start scene if needed.
- Search to search and go to a specific scene (search on scene number or title).
- Prev and Next buttons to quickly switch to the previous or next scene.

The sidebar in the video editor is the same sidebar as in the flow editor. There are a few differences though. When an element is selected in the sidebar:
The video area will move to where that element is positioned.
Settings might appear in the sidebar for certain elements.
Question or answer sizes can be changed from ‘Normal’ to ‘Wide’ (can be used in case when there is a bit more text).
Show in look direction can be activated, meaning that this element will be positioned wherever the trainee looks when entering the scene. Only one element can have this activated.
You can hide or show labels for Direction or Hotspot elements.

In case there are one or more hotspots in your scene, an additional setting is introduced, called Settings for all hotspots:
Here you can decide whether to hide or show all hotspot labels.
If you hide the hotspot labels, you can also decide to hide the full hotspot for a certain amount of time. The hotspot is just hidden, but will still be clickable by trainees. Use this feature when you don't want to directly give away the right answer to the location that trainees need to click on in the video.

Clicking on the Media tab in the sidebar, gives the option to Set initial orientation. This setting can turn the 360 video to whichever looking direction you set up, as an entry point for the trainee.

Under the video area, you can find several controls:
Play or pause the video.
Set the volume.
Drag the slider to seek a specific moment in the video.
Set the Elements fade in time. This is the moment all interactive elements will appear in the video.
Set a Video loop and if activated, set the time length. This is the moment from which the video will be on loop, once it reaches the end. If not activated, the video will pause at the end. If a scene has an auto-transition element, the video loop cannot be used.

Interested in more?
➡️ Learn how to trim the videos in Warp Studio.
➡️ Learn about other video settings.
The video editor has the following sections:
Video area

📽️ Video area
The video area has the following options:
To rotate the video and be able to see it fully, click anywhere on the video itself and drag in any direction to look around.
Click on any element in the video to select that element and drag it to the right position.
On top of the video area you can find the following controls:
- Zoom in and out to be able to better position the elements.
- Home to quickly go to the start scene if needed.
- Search to search and go to a specific scene (search on scene number or title).
- Prev and Next buttons to quickly switch to the previous or next scene.

💈 Sidebar
The sidebar in the video editor is the same sidebar as in the flow editor. There are a few differences though. When an element is selected in the sidebar:
The video area will move to where that element is positioned.
Settings might appear in the sidebar for certain elements.
Question or answer sizes can be changed from ‘Normal’ to ‘Wide’ (can be used in case when there is a bit more text).
Show in look direction can be activated, meaning that this element will be positioned wherever the trainee looks when entering the scene. Only one element can have this activated.
You can hide or show labels for Direction or Hotspot elements.

In case there are one or more hotspots in your scene, an additional setting is introduced, called Settings for all hotspots:
Here you can decide whether to hide or show all hotspot labels.
If you hide the hotspot labels, you can also decide to hide the full hotspot for a certain amount of time. The hotspot is just hidden, but will still be clickable by trainees. Use this feature when you don't want to directly give away the right answer to the location that trainees need to click on in the video.

Clicking on the Media tab in the sidebar, gives the option to Set initial orientation. This setting can turn the 360 video to whichever looking direction you set up, as an entry point for the trainee.

🕹️ Controls
Under the video area, you can find several controls:
Play or pause the video.
Set the volume.
Drag the slider to seek a specific moment in the video.
Set the Elements fade in time. This is the moment all interactive elements will appear in the video.
Set a Video loop and if activated, set the time length. This is the moment from which the video will be on loop, once it reaches the end. If not activated, the video will pause at the end. If a scene has an auto-transition element, the video loop cannot be used.

Interested in more?
➡️ Learn how to trim the videos in Warp Studio.
➡️ Learn about other video settings.
Updated on: 26/09/2024
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