Articles on: 🧙🏻‍♂️ Users and groups

⚙️ User settings

In Warp Studio, you can edit the information about a user, see their training attempts, delete the user, add or remove from a group, and export their training data.

To edit a user in Warp Studio:
Navigate to the Trainees tab.
Click the three dots 🚥 next to a name.
Click on Edit trainee.

When the trainee has access to only one workspace, you can change their first and last name, employee number, role, and the selected groups. If a trainee has access to two or more workspaces, you can only edit the selected groups. ⚠️ You cannot change the email address of Warp Studio members or trainees. Warp Studio members can change their own email address in their profile settings.

Select multiple trainees to do one of the following actions:
Add to or remove from groups.
Export training data.

Interested in more?
➡️  Learn about workspace settings.
➡️  Learn about using 2FA to sign-in.

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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