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⚙️  Scene settings

Edit, change scene type, duplicate, change start scene or delete a scene. 🛠

ℹ️  Edit scene information

You can edit a scene and change its:

  • Title.
  • Description.
  • Questions & answers.

To do these changes, hover over the scene and click on the pencil icon ✏️ that will appear on top of the scene. Afterwards, click Save.

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🎨  Change scene type

If you want to change the scene type, hover over the scene, click on the three dots that appear on top of the scene and select Change scene type. Once you select the preferred scene type, click Save.

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👥  Duplicate scene

To duplicate a scene, hover over the scene, click on the three dots that appear on top of the scene and select Duplicate scene.

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🏁  Change start scene

If you changed your mind 🧠 and you’d like a different scene to be the starting one (from where the VR scenario will start playing), hover over the scene, click on the three dots that appear on top of the scene and select Make start scene.

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❌  Delete a scene

Hover over the scene, click on the three dots that appear on top of the scene and select Delete scene. You need to confirm this action in a pop-up window by clicking OK.

⚠️  Please note that we don’t have an undo feature yet and you can not delete a start scene (with the green home icon). If you want to delete that scene, you will first need to make another scene the start one (see above).

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Interested in more?

➡️  Learn how to upload a 360 video to a scene. ➡️  Learn how to link a 360 video to a scene.

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