Articles on: 🏢 Workspace settings


In Warp Studio, we both support integration with Single Sign-On (SSO) and user provisioning through SCIM.

👤 Single Sign-On (SAML / OIDC)

Single sign-on (SSO) 🔐 can be set up for Warp Studio users by logging in via a central identity platform, so creators are no longer required to sign in to Warp Studio separately. Their access is also automatically revoked, for example when they leave the company. We support the two main protocols: SAML 2.0 and OIDC.

⚠️  Only members that are already created in Warp Studio can log in with SSO. We do not automatically create new members in your Warp Studio organization if they try to log in with SSO without being created before.

⚠️  Trainees can not log in with SSO.

🔄 User provisioning (SCIM)

SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) is a protocol to synchronise users from one system (e.g. a central identity platform) to other systems (e.g. Warp Studio). Managers, trainees and other roles can be created, updated, and removed in the central system and then automatically updated in Warp Studio.

Contact us if you are interested in integrating SSO or SCIM with your Warp Studio workspace.

Interested in more?
➡️  Learn about log-in with 2FA.
➡️  Learn about different Warp Studio member roles and permissions.

Updated on: 02/12/2024

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