Articles on: 🎞️ Scenarios and courses

📡 Publish a scenario

To make your scenario available for playing by trainees, you need to publish your scenario. The publishing process consists of a few steps:

1️⃣ Hit publish and check

First, open the scenario and click the Publish button in the top right.

Next, check the general scenario information and click Edit if changes are needed to the:

2️⃣ Select a group

Next, you can choose which groups will have access to this scenario. This function is optional and doesn't need to be selected at this time. You can always add published scenarios to groups later. In case you use an LMS integration, don't select any groups here and make sure to add the published scenario to your LMS by going to Trainees and than Integrations.

3️⃣ Click Publish

Once publishing starts, it can take a few seconds to a minute to finish the process. You will be notified by email when publishing is ready.
You can always make changes to an already published scenario. To make all changes available for trainees, simply Publish again.
You can publish a scenario as often as you like.
If a scenario is also in Test mode, publishing will override the test version. You can always create a new test version.

⚠️ Scenarios created with the new Flow editor (released Oct' 24) cannot be played on a Pico G2 4K or Meta Quest 1 VR headset. If you use any of these headsets, contact us and we will make sure you get access to an older version of the flow editor.

Interested in more?
➡️  Learn how to implement the first scenario in your organization.
➡️  Learn how to give access to a scenario to trainees and how they can play on different devices.

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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